Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Allan N. Schore

"...Winnicott proclaimed 'an instinct repressed along abnormal paths is liable to be shoved down deep into the subconscious and there act as a foreign body: this 'foreign body' may remain in the subconscious for a whole lifetime and completely control the life of the individual who has not control over this curious tendency since it is not known to him even exist'..."

"...Winnicott differentiated a 'true self' and a 'false' or 'caretaker self' designed to protect it. This caretaker self usually becomes identified with the conscious mind, leaving the true self languishing in the body, potentially causing psychosomatic illness. In modern neuropsychoanalytic terms, early developmental trauma generates an underlying weakness of the bodily-based right brain 'true self' that is masked by a left brain pseudo-adult 'false self.'"
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